The Happiness Advantage: Day 2

As I was driving to school this morning, I felt a bit tired. It is mid-week or often known as “hump day”. I can tell that some of my fellow commuters did not go to work today because the traffic felt a bit lighter. The sun was out and the snow continues to melt with our mini “heat wave” in Chicagoland.

I scrolled through my podcasts and settled on Oprah’s Super Soul Special. I felt I needed little of Oprah’s wisdom this morning. I pressed play and began listening. To my surprise, the guest she had was Shawn Achor. I took a class this fall where we read his book, “The Happiness Advantage”. It is awesome! This dude studied and continues to study the science of happiness. His message is that happiness is contagious.

As I continued my drive to school, I found myself laughing at Shawn’s jokes and doing a lot of nodding and smiling. My tiredness dissipated. His talk on Oprah’s Super Soul Special podcast literally changed my whole mood. Now, I knew that I would walk into school feeling a little lighter, a little more awake, and a little more happy.

For those of you that have never heard of Shawn’s book I encourage you to read it. Some of it I am sure you have heard before, however you have not heard it from Shawn’s perspective. It is an easy read and packed with tons of good stuff! If you are a fellow Woodridge teacher, I urge you to take Brittany’s class. It is well worth the time and can be life changing for your well being.

I feel like it was a sign that I picked Oprah’s podcast today because I was just thinking that I needed to go back and relook at certain sections of the book!

This is the book in case you want to check it out!

3 responses to “The Happiness Advantage: Day 2”

  1. peacelovecarrie Avatar

    Happiness IS contagious! Just reading your words and being reminded that there is an actual science to happiness helped lift some of the “tired.” Thank you for sharing this slice!

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  2. I have to admit, my “reader feed” showed a pic of the book and that caught my eye immediately! I enjoyed the Super Soul with Achor, too. And really, just about every Super Soul gives my soul an instant boost of energy and light. Thanks for the shout-out. Glad you enjoyed the book club!

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  3. My students are still asking for some happy time before each test where we take time for jokes and funny stories before the seriousness. It has made a big difference this year!

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